Brookfield Farm : Results

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Division: 1
Judge: Caroline Jacks
Place Team Fastest Time
1 The Doghouse 15:96
2 Only Fools and Pooches 16:35
3 Doghouse Smash 'n' Grab 16:87
4 Doghouse Fast 'n' Furious 17:45
5 Shawcross Racers 17:08
6 Trigger Happy Gang 18:22
Division: 2
Judge: Caz Higginson
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Kiddy Monsters 17:98
2 Doghouse Hit 'n' Run 18:03
3 Marvel-lous 18:35
4 Lichfield 18:57
5 Blue Sky 19:42
6 Puparazzi 18:50
Division: 3
Judge: Keith Marshall
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Out of the Blue 18:75
2 Shawcross Against All Odds 18:86
3 Springers 19:37
4 Trigger Happy Pals 20:53
5 Fylde Coasters 20:53
6 Phantom Fury 20:20
Division: 4
Judge: David Warren
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Houston 19:90
2 Dukes of Hazzard 20:42
3 Kiddy Minsters 20:70
4 Only Del Boys Pooches 21:03
6478 Marvel-lous Alpha Flight 20:62
Division: 5
Judge: Caroline Jacks
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Only Rodneys Rascals Pooches 20:28
2 Shawcross Happy Tails 20:28
3 Doghouse Lock'n'Load 20:73
4 Wilmslow Jackals 21:98
5 Puparazzi Flash 20:53
5 Dukes & Divas 20:82
Division: 6
Judge: Caz Higginson
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Only Peckham Pooches 20:54
2 Little Angels 21:02
3 Cheshire Set 23:86
4 Phantom Flash 23:49
Division: 7
Judge: Paul Astbury
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Muskerhound Myway 22:62
2 Puparazzi Zoom 22:54
3 Trigger Happy Chums 23:05
4 Doghouse Small'n'Mighty 24:34
5 Solway Runawayz 23:40