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Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Jets | 15:89 |
2 | Solar Flare | 16:97 |
3 | Flea Jumperz | 17:24 |
4 | Waggytails Flyball | 17:33 |
5 | Jet Streams | 17:26 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Ball Busters | 18:04 |
2 | FourPaws Running | 17:75 |
3 | Flea Hopperz | 19:23 |
4 | Whizzi Wags | 18:83 |
5 | Extrabuccs | 18:15 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Solar Power | 18:68 |
2 | Power Jets | 18:97 |
3 | Wickford Waggin'tails | 19:22 |
4 | Barkshire Bandidos | 20:24 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Ball Buster Bandits | 19:38 |
2 | Underdogs Unleashed | 19:75 |
3 | Ball Buster Cockney Rebels | 20:43 |
4 | Flea Powderz | 20:63 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Up and Running | 21:72 |
2 | Ball Buster Dreamers | 20:65 |
3 | Shooting Star Rockets | 21:04 |
4 | FourPaws Mixing | 21:69 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Ball Buster Bouncers | 22:03 |
2 | Wickford Wannabees | 21:99 |
3 | Buccshot | 23:94 |
4 | Underdogs Untamed | 22:09 |
5 | Ball Buster Jumballs | 24:97 |