Secretary's Announcements

Committee announcement and reminder

It has been noted by the Committee, that there have been several instances recently of dogs already issued with official Heights (/Height Cards) being remeasured at sanctioned BFA tournaments, without first having submitted in writing an appeal of their dogs' height to the BFA Committee. 
These Dogs are appearing on Tournament C9 forms, in some instances with lower measures, and teams are subsequently competing at incorrectly lower heights on race days. 
This is in direct breach of the amended rule 5.6D which came into effect from the 1st of June 2017.
The Committee would like to remind BFA members of the wording of that rule which states:
An owner can appeal their dog's height if they consider it to be incorrect. 
An explanation must be sent to the Committee via the BFA secretary and copied to the height card coordinator in writing. 
If the Committee agree to the remeasure, arrangements will be made for two HJ's and MO's, selected by the Committee, who have not previously measured the dog and do not belong to the applicants own team, to measure the dog to confirm the height. 
The result will be the dogs height, there will be no further appeal. During the appeal process the dog will continue to run at the height issued on the Dog Height Master Sheet unless the dog is measured at each tournament it races at whilst awaiting a decision from the committee/remeasure.
Could all Team Captains and BFA members ensure that going forward you adhere to the rules and if you have doubts over your dogs Height (/Card) please send in your appeal using the correct process.