Secretary's Announcements

BFA AGM 2019 Announcement

The Annual General Meeting of the British Flyball Association will be held on Saturday, 6th April 2019 at:

Lode Heath School, Lode Lane, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 2HW
to commence at 10:00 AM

Note: The meeting will be limited to business on the published agenda.

The Committee is pleased to announce that it will be taking nominations for the Committee and proposals for agenda items as detailed below.
Nominations for the Committee can be made from Friday 15th February 2019.
Those wishing to be nominated are reminded that they must be current members and meet the criteria detailed in rule 5.1, including at least 3 years’ experience in the Association and must have attended at least one AGM. They need to be nominated by a current member, and the nomination seconded by another current member. If an election is necessary, then all voting members will be balloted. The result of the ballot and the successful new committee members will be announced at the AGM. The first meeting of the new committee will be on Sunday 7th April, if you are unable to make this meeting it does not mean you cannot be nominated for a position.
The closing date for Nominations is 1st March 2019.
The vote for committee members, if required, will be from 19th March to 29th March 2019 (subject to confirmation from ERS).

Proposals for agenda items can be made from Wednesday 20th February 2019
Those wishing to submit a proposal for an agenda item are reminded that proposals will not be published in advance of the agenda. This is to give time for the wording to be checked and to ensure consistency throughout the rules, as well as suggesting any appropriate changes to the proposer(s).
The closing date for agenda items is Thursday 7th March 2019.

The agenda will be published as soon as is possible after this date and not less than 10 days prior to the AGM.

Once the agenda is published the Committee would like to encourage open discussion regarding proposed rule changes – through the BFA Forum on the web site, through the BFA Members Only 2019 page on Facebook and through the Facebook pages set up by the Regional Reps.

At the AGM, those members attending will be given the opportunity to debate the proposals, and to listen to the discussions both for and against each proposed rule change. Following the debate each rule will be taken to a vote of the voting members present at the meeting. Following the AGM, the remainder of the voting membership will be invited to read a summary of the debate held at the meeting and cast a vote on each item. This ballot will be open for 10 days, during which time there will be further opportunity for open discussion.
The vote for AGM rule proposals will be from 15th April to 25th April 2019 (subject to confirmation from ERS)

After the ballot has closed and the votes tallied, results of each vote shall be announced to the membership, and any rule changes will then be made at the earliest practical time.

When writing proposals, members are encouraged to liaise with their Regional Rep, with Head Judges and other experienced members. Members are reminded that when making proposals and discussing and debating them they must always consider the Association and sport as a whole, rather than just an individual team, member or dog.

Please note: the Google forms are currently turned off but will be activated on the dates specified for committee nominations and agenda items.