The BFA is extending the 2021 annual memberships to 31 March 2022.
Membership renewals will open in Feb 22 and the late fee will only apply from 1 Apr 22.
The BFA would like to thank all of our current members who have stuck with us throughout what has been the most difficult and unpredictable time in our history as an association. The covid pandemic and constantly changing restrictions and regulation has provided huge amounts of uncertainty but your commitment has left the BFA in an incredibly strong position to make the most out of 2022.
We know from feedback from the membership that renewing at this time of year generates challenges, both financial and just remembering!!, so going forward we are moving the annual membership cycle to fit with the financial year rather than the calendar year. As part of this reset all current members will receive 3 months free membership of the BFA. No action is required, the extension will be automatic for all existing members, all you need to do is watch out for the reminder notice in February next year. We look forward to seeing you all back in the lanes for what we be a spectacular and fun packed 2022.

2022 Membership Renewals
Submitted by Justin Shearing on Sun, 28/11/2021 - 15:41
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