Secretary's Announcements

Constitution & Rules of Flyball Racing 31 May 2018 - now in effect

The new BFA Constitution and Rules of Flyball Racing are now in effect.

An email has been sent to all Head Judges, Qualified Judges, Measuring Officials and Team Captains. Several emails have been returned undelivered so apologies if you have not received your copy. The rules are now available to download from the BFA website in the downloads section.

The main changes to be aware of when racing are:
1. Jump height - the minimum jump height is now 6", please be mindful when setting your jumps. The maximum height remains 12"
2. Measuring - measurements are now 6" below the withers. If your dog is already on the master height list, this has been updated in line with the rule change and can be downloaded from the website. Please check the master height list before you get your dog measured.  Measuring Officials will be measuring your dog in accordance with the new rules if you require your dog to be measured.
3. Boxloader name and number now need to be entered on the C2. Please ensure you enter correct information to ensure that there are no issues with validation checks by the stats officer.
4. Smoking/vaping is not permitted within 15 feet of the flyball ring during competitions.

ALL revised admin forms and sticker templates are available on the download page of the website.

Please be aware that issuing height cards for all current actively racing dogs on the master list is not going to happen overnight. Please be patient, this may take several weeks and we are likely to distribute them via Team Captains or Tournament Organisers.

Enjoy your racing